What’s the Future of Learning and Development with AI?
June 25, 2024
AI Integration in L&D: A Paradigm Shift in Workforce TrainingÂ
June 21, 2024Author
Kadamberi Darad
 Under edgy conditions worldwide, organizations aim to stay relevant and make an impact. These current conditions have raised the frequency of various skill development among employees quicker than before. Â
Want to know if eLearning can improve employee performance at your workplace?
 Sometimes designing a training and learning curriculum for employees need more than just retention and engagement focus. Employees want output too! From their effort, work, time, and energy they put in towards the work.  Their motivation will start to decrease if their effort is not valued or recognized regularly. Training employees can be one way to ensure that they stay upbeat with skills to help them enhance their performance at work.  To achieve noticeable improvements in employee performance with eLearning, we suggest following four approaches of sincere eLearning strategy that can ensure better performance at the workplace. Â
- Employee Focused
- Collaborative Model
- Purpose Driven
- Constructive Feedback
 Employee Focused: While designing learning from scratch or updating the existing knowledge to suit current demand, eLearning services can cater to employees’ specific and sometimes individual learning demands. Employees no longer want only fun and exciting learning courses but learning that helps them achieve better career growth and performance.  First of all, it is essential to understand the audience, their experience level, educational background, job type, working ecosystem, job requirements, etc.  And then, substantially, how do they perform a job, are they engaged on the screens or the field for the maximum period? This will help analyze the learning strategy best suited for these learners. For example: using microlearning to explain on-job employee performance for sales staff, just-in-time knowledge support to IT counterparts, or reference guides for customer-facing teams. Such a strategy will help them focus on work and enhance employee performance with continuous learning.  Collaborative Model: The current workforce has a maximum of millennials, and they will learn when and how they want to. So how do learning officers ensure training for them while managing learning culture? Collaborative model and design can be one way to increase brainstorming, social learning, engagement, and sharing of ideas.  With set learning goals, identified complexity, and inter-dependence in a strategically formed group, collaborative learning can enhance employee performance and reduce dependence. This has added benefit of increasing camaraderie, deeper relationships, and greater empathy within and among the teams.  Purpose Driven: We align ourselves and relate to those objectives with some purpose. For example, why will you drive unless you enjoy rides or have somewhere to reach? Similarly, when an eLearning solution is constructed around performance objectives, it enables a learner to perform in a real job scenario and obtain desired results.  eLearning solutions can help employees achieve training objectives faster and more sustainably, if you are looking for solutions to increase team bonding, decision-making capabilities, emotional intelligence, customer experience, etc. It also raises health and safety among the machinery workforce.  Constructive Feedback: eLearning allows learners to dwell in self-exploration of analyzing capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, decision making, and freedom to fail (and learn).  When a curriculum offers opportunities to have professional experts on the platform, inter-department conversations, virtual whiteboard discussion, and peer connect, it provides organic and constructive feedback to learners. The immediate feedback makes it an active learning experience. In addition, feedbacks while learning offers a new perspective and areas of improvement, reinforcing positive behavior.  As much as it is essential to develop learning for growth, it is also crucial to reinforce existing skills to prevent employees from forming a carefree attitude towards performance. eLearning content development companies can help in preventing this performance slippage.  Across the globe, organizations are harnessing technology to carve the maximum benefit in all fields of learning and development. However, there is a constant fear that employees may fall in love with engagement tools such as technology and nuggets used heavily in eLearning across the globe and lose the deep learning credential that was possible earlier. Â
eLearning is much more than just Engagement - it can inspire and drive performance from employee. Only when it is correctly strategized, not just for the sake of fun, engagement, or trend but employee performance.
 Hence, with the combined application of technology, learning science, and human cognition, an impactful eLearning solution can be developed to attain an optimum and balanced strategy. For innovative and intuitive learning solutions, reach out to Ozemio and enhance the performance of talent. Â
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