Sports committee creates program to educate athletes with learning disabilities on how to maintain their physical and mental health
April 15, 2023
Technical training through interactive eLearning streamlines a global biotech giant’s sales process and documentation
April 15, 2023Sports committee for people with learning disabilities develops training for security and medical staff to help respond to athletes with disability

International sports committee that has celebrated athletic ability in individuals with learning disabilities for over 50 years.
Business Objective
The program was designed to guide support staff volunteering to support an international event celebrating athletes with learning disabilities from all over the world. Because of the lack of information on the various special needs of those with learning disabilities, many professionals – and especially volunteers – have little to no exposure on the special demands they might have. For example, behavior that might seem hostile from an able-bodied person could simply be an attempt for someone with learning disabilities to communicate.
And while the primary function of the course is for the sporting event, it is also designed to promote long-term empathy for individuals with learning disabilities in its learners and hopes to make them more understanding and kind towards those with special needs in general. Based on the feedback we received, our program was able to comfortably satisfy both these demands.
Learning Objective
The program was a series of video-based eLearning modules, with input from psychologists, care workers, experienced security and medical professionals, and some of the athletes themselves. The content included studies as references for the information provided, and reference sheets at the end of each module and the entire program to help learners remember what they learned. The course additionally congratulated learners and sought to encourage them to share their knowledge and help make the world a kinder, more understanding place.
Learner Profile with Number of Learners
Volunteer security and medical first responder staff at an international sporting event for people with learning disabilities.
A primary target of 500 individuals with potential for reaching out to thousands more.
Learning Principles/ Approach/ Strategy
The program focuses on educating employees through building comfort and experience with company policies and procedures, new and old, utilizing the following techniques:
- Video Based Learning with both knowledge delivery and assessment conducted using interactive videos and personalized avatars to create immersion in animated simulations.
- Cognitive Load Theory utilizes progressively complex concepts to build a foundation before discussing more complex objections and customers.
- Constructivist Learning Theory encourages learners to think proactively with relatable customer concerns that learners must handle.
To manage an international sporting event for people with learning disabilities, our client regularly employs volunteer workers, particularly in the fields of law enforcement and medical first responders at events. While these volunteers are professionally trained, many are unfamiliar with how to best approach individuals with learning disabilities who might respond differently to stimuli, such as if they are nonverbal or have trouble understanding instructions.
To help volunteers better understand how to act in these circumstances, Ozemio created a comprehensive, video-based learning program designed to help educate learners. This program contains videos of paramedics, psychologists, care workers, and even athletes with learning disabilities themselves who share their experiences with learners.
Ozemio made sure to take every measure to be both respectful and accurate, taking help from subject matter experts familiar with the special needs of individuals with learning disabilities, and how to convey those needs to learners in a way that was both practical and ethical.
Implementation / Distribution Process
Learner Assessment
Each module was concluded by an interactive feedback session detailing the information picked up by the learner in a clear, concise summary. Each segment concluded with a multiple-choice assessment that measured how well the learner was able to absorb the information, followed by a summary of all the information covered.
Business Impact
- 95% of learners stated that the training helped them considerably with learning how to best aid athletes with IDs
- 97% of learners stated that the training made them better able to empathize with and provide assistance for people with IDs.
- 78% of learners rated the program as equally or more effective than in-person training.
Ozemio Resources Used
Instructional Designers, Media Experts, Language Specialists, Subject Matter Experts, and our Quality Control team.
Totalling at 2286 work hours.
1.5 hours
Articulate Storyline 360, Adobe Flash, Javascript
Learn more about Ozemio’s Video Learning Initiatives here.
"Our course is designed to promote awareness for individuals with physical and mental disabilities and to help educate law enforcement and first responders on how to effectively communicate with people with disabilities. Our mission has always been to encourage people with physical or intellectual disabilities to celebrate their triumphs, and to fight together to eliminate the stigmas and prejudices they face. I want to thank Ozemio and the team for the turn around on this course. We understand and recognize the challenges that went into making this course and want to just send our appreciation for all your work."